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Tesla cam

Aaron M


So I'm basically wondering if my car (model S) is supposed to automatically record my drives as long as the flash drive is present?


I swear it used too, but today I was driving and witnessed some really interesting (probably drunk driving) happening right in front of me and I really wanted the footage but all that was there was a little footage of me sitting in a parking lot when I tried to save it and eject the drive just in case. Thus it hasn't been recording anything (even sentry mode footage) since I reinstalled the drive. There was one empty saved folder as well from the 18th if that means anything.

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I haven't had any issues with it but a few things of note. Having an exclusion zone where sentry mode doesnt activate gives the system a spot to restart every time you are there. There have been reports of this helping with some people who would have functionality go away. Also you can always try reformatting the drive and setting it up again.


I am on 2019.28.3.1 currently and was able to pull some video off of it as recent as friday afternoon.

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I'm wondering the same thing since 2019.28.x or so, Tesla seems to have partially broken the dash cam function. At least the record icon is missing now, even when USB flash drive is plugged into front USB ports AND TeslaCam folder is there. Also not getting Sentry footage recorded, at least to USB, maybe being sent to Tesla directly.


I suspect this is yet another Tesla QA/test miss and/or developer mistake. Lots of bugs and regressions lately.


To be clear, I haven't tried to reboot screen computer yet. So maybe that will be the workaround for now.


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19 hours ago, Dan Holtz said:

I haven't had any issues with it but a few things of note. Having an exclusion zone where sentry mode doesnt activate gives the system a spot to restart every time you are there. There have been reports of this helping with some people who would have functionality go away. Also you can always try reformatting the drive and setting it up again.


I am on 2019.28.3.1 currently and was able to pull some video off of it as recent as friday afternoon.

Same here as well. No issues.


One item of note, @Aaron M, if you are wanting to hit record I would wait 30-60 seconds before tapping the button to save the last 10 minutes. I have found that it will 'clip' things if you hit it too early.

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2 hours ago, mike said:

Same here as well. No issues.


One item of note, @Aaron M, if you are wanting to hit record I would wait 30-60 seconds before tapping the button to save the last 10 minutes. I have found that it will 'clip' things if you hit it too early.

Emphasizing this. I lost a clip I really wanted to save because I hit it too early. Good thing I had my Blackvue. I personally view the Tesla Cam as strictly a backup to my Blackvue at the moment.

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